Anne from Philipines

I spent an afternoon spring season with a Filipino women's nationals. Women who in his fifties, call it the name Anne. I often had long passed in the church. After several years we have often met, but new this year before she became my closest friend. We often chatted briefly after worship in the church.
Today we are planning to visit a Belgian missionary who was being treated at one hospital in the city I live. This missionary had just undergone surgery for intestinal cancer. By bus we traveled about twenty-five minutes to arrive at the hospital. Throughout this journey Filipino woman tells her story. Actually he has many times expressed the same stories, but I still empathize with the stories. These women experience many great struggles in life. Ever since marrying her husband who is a native of Japan, he got a lot of rejection from her husband's family. Starting from the mother's brother-in-law to her husband. But even so, as a wife, she still has to interact with family members and foster good relations. One time, in-laws who were old enough to suffer pain. Anne had to treat in-law in hospital. He was treated with sincerity, without considering in-law works for him.
Anne and her husband is a good donor for social events at local churches here and in the Philippines. Anne married life in a country that has the culture, habits and a lot of different things with their country of origin. Obviously there will be small ripples, there is joy and there was sadness.
On one day in December 2005, without serious complaint, she checked his health. Health examination results were known in early January 2006. Doctors had found cancer in the body of Anne. Her husband, as a devout follower of Christ, tergoyangkan by the disease suffered by his wife. Serng times her husband can not accept what happened to his wife.
Anne decided to undergo surgery for the treatment of cancer itu.Dia really letting go of the situation and submit fully to the Lord. Answering questions from doctors about whether he is willing to bear the risk of whatever happens. Anne replied to the doctor, "If doctors believe in God, I also believe in God. I believe that God works through the hands of doctors. Whatever happens, I am ready to accept it. "
Mid-February 2006 Anne had surgery followed by chemotherapy in April in the year the same. Feeling happier after surgery and chemotherapy because he felt the change of physical condition. Three months after chemotherapy, she returned to face a critical situation. Precisely on the Day of the twenty-fifth month in July 2006, Anne returned to the hospital. At the same time, the husband of Anne temporary offices outside the city for a long time. Doctors who treated Anne says that she is very slim hopes alive 50% alive and 50% died. Again, there is a problem in Anne's body. When doctors removed a verdict like that for some people might think pessimistically. What thoughts come dibenak? Does the doctor is God above all else on this earth? Is the word of the doctor can defeat the power of God? Is that saying, and then kill the guts Anne for rise against cancer and said that God has power over everything and can cure all diseases? Anne got desperate. Likewise with her husband. Anne has not only a health issue but also the financial problems at that time. One night, Anne's husband said that he wanted a far from God, away from the church. Anne's husband said that there was no point in praying. God does not listen. Immediately she was very angry and told her husband, "Why should I be upset with God? God has a time and a way to answer our prayers. If the complaint appears sentence, that sentence should have emerged from my mouth because I am the one who sensed how to live together with the cancer cells, it was me who underwent treatment for his hard-cells destroy cancer cells that .... ' Tersadarkan by the words of Anne's husband. After the incident, the family of Anne experienced something extraordinary powers, there's always a new energy to move their hearts to come closer to God and interpret all the experiments in their family as a force for progress and closer to God.


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