Philipines Girl Richelle Santos

Since a child, he lived in a strict Catholic family. He even entered school a nun. But God has willed another. Instead she chose Islam.
Still remember about a year ago, the Islamic Forum arrival of new participants who I thought was almost a santria from Indonesia. A quiet girl with Indonesian-style hood sits neatly in one corner of the room with the shy but always smiling.
"Sorry, are you .... From Indonesia?", I asked at one point.
"Oh no! I am an American ", he replied with a soft and gentle voice.
"But you look very Asian. So what was your original sukuan background? "I asked again.
"My native Philippines. I came here when he was aged 5 years with my mother, "he explained.
Thus began introducing himself Richelle Santos
with us at Islamic Center. Richele still relatively young, but this time have worked in a company as a finance analyst.
Alumni of City University of New York is living alone because his mother later remarried and his household did not seem conducive atmosphere for him to live with.
School Sisters
After basic school, Richelle whose mother is very strong Catholic religious who put it into a training school became a nun. Richelle told her, when she was about 11 years old, her mother is very worried that she would fall into the wrong intercourse. For that, he was schooled in a Catholic school nun training in midtown Manhattan.
Richelle told of how tight the rules when he studied at the venue. "I almost did not survive in a few days", he said.
I remember the first days living in the boarding school. To this day I always refer to as "a wickedly divine" (holy prison) because of how hard to adjust to the new environment. Especially if that someone was on the set with a certain world.
"And finally you finish school?" I asked at one point.
"Not really ... I only stayed for more than two years at the school, to be honest, I never seriously in the study," he said.
When I asked further, apparently the answer is that from morning till evening he indoctrinated with the concepts that he himself never believed. "All Those did make sense at all to me", he said briefly.
So after two years of Catholic school education to survive in a nun, Richelle asked the mother to the school in public schools. For the first time her mother refused, but after Richelle explain many things, including some form of association in the same dorm at all unreasonable, she complied.
Thus from Saturday to Saturday Richelle follow the dialogue at the Islamic Forum. Although very intelligent, but never ask questions unless provoked. Perhaps the blood of Asia is still very strong so that once seemed very shy and polite.
Several times Richelle also attended the event which was conducted in the mosque of Al-Hikmah, owned by the Indonesian Muslim community in New York. One of them at the time of Al-Hikmah mosque hosted famous guest speaker, Sr.. Aminah Assilmi, a former follower of a radical Christian who embraced Islam and has become a muballiggah that go international.
When it appears Richelle listened word for word that comes out of the mouth Sr. Aminah Assilmi. Even appear to record the important points presented by him. After finishing a lecture, as he jokingly I asked: "Are you going to imitate him in the future?". Richelle only replied with a smile.

Big Day for me
Three weeks ago, Richelle bit early to attend the Islamic Center. I myself usually busy with school and weekends are not too ignore. But I saw him and a cursory look like nervous. Towards midday prayers I asked: "What Happens Richelle? I saw you a kind of ... .. ".
Apparently, I asked him unfinished, Richelle had replied: "Oh no! I am fine ", she answered as if hiding something.
Midday prayer begins. Richelle just sit alone in class. Apparently that day is not too Islamic Forum participants who attend classes. I started my afternoon classes in Arabic (reading the Qur'an), followed by a commentary QS Al-Hujurat. Richelle serious visible record almost all the important points that I have to say.
Suddenly, when I provide the opportunity for participants to ask questions, Richelle visible flowing tears, embarrassed smile, said: "Imam Shamsi, I want to convert!". (Ustad, I want to convert!)
All those present immediately taken aback. Usually, the desire to enter into Islam was delivered after the class, or come alone. Richelle deliver this time in the middle class is still ongoing.
Just directly out of my mouth: "Alhamdulillah Richelle! I am really very happy to hear that. God finally showed heart and now you find that faith is. "
I then transferred that afternoon discussion of QS Al-Hujurat and explain what the meaning berislam. I am sure that my explanation has been heard many times by Richelle for this, but I want to remind again.
I then asked once again to Richelle. "" You have been with us nearly two years. What you actually find in this religion? "
"Oh, I think I must be honest. From the very beginning I join in your class, I've created admiration by his teachings. I not have anything against him. ", He explained.

"But what really makes you take too long to Decide?", I asked again.
"I think I just plan something for sure that I was with full awareness of everything that needed me as a Muslim. I need to know about the prohibitions and commands. So I can try to follow him in my life," he explained.
Immediately, I asked the audience to be a witness. But do not forget to Richelle I convey that God is in the best witness. As mebiarawatiduk, Richelle with tears welling to follow the pledge of unity:

"La ilaha illallah Muhammad Rasool-Allah."

What I feel is the sincerity and steadiness in the heart of Richelle accept Islam. That afternoon, the classroom was moved by the Islamic Forum. Almost all those present joined shed tears because tears linangan touched by Richelle. He only had time menyelah wiping tears: "Today is a big day for me!".
May you, Richelle, strengthened and maintained in living his religion.


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